Saturday, December 14th from 10pm-5pm


It is important you read the information below prior to attending. Its important all rules are followed for the fun and safety of all participants. Unnecessary behavior will not be accepted and you will be asked to leave.
1. You have been assigned an hour, what that means is you can come ANYTIME during that hour (do NOT come early as the previous hour will be enjoying their time). Seeing Santa only takes a couple minutes, so you do NOT have to arrive on time, just some time in that hour.

NOTE: we cannot control a child’s reaction to Santa, and the sessions must keep moving so we will do our best to get smiles, but sometimes frowns are all we get. Please be understanding.

2. Each hour is assigned to a certain number of families, only that family is allow to come in and participate, DO NOT bring friends, cousins, visitors or outside family, they will not be permitted to come inside.

3. Please make sure all children have gone to the bathroom prior to arrival.  I have a restroom, but there is only one and you have to disturb the session to access, so I would prefer this only be used in emergencies.

4. NO PERSONAL CAMERAS OR CELL PHONES ALLOWED DURING SANTA MINGLE! If cameras or phones are used at anytime, your session will be deleted and no refund given, as well as you will be asked to leave.

5. There will be 3 photographers present, while I am shooting the majority of these sessions you may get another photographer to shoot but don’t worry, the photos will be the same quality and quantity.

6. DRESS: I feel its best to see Santa in Pajamas or Ugly Sweaters, nothing too fancy, kids hate fancy and it will prevent them from being comfortable and playing with others.

7. All sessions are PAID in advance, no payment will be taken during this event.

8. There will be yummy treats and drinks for the kids, along with a special goody bag from Santa!

9. While you wait, there will be a craft and a coloring activity area, this should allow the kids to mingle and have fun while they wait for Santa.

10. LETTERS: Please have all kids of age, write a letter to Santa, Santa will have his mailbox present and all letters will be returned to children before Christmas. Please make sure you put your names and address on the letter so Santa knows where to return it.

LETS HAVE A WONDERFUL SANTA MINGLE! We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

STUDIO ADDRESS: 2510 St. Rose Pkwy, Suite 120, Henderson, NV 89014 – next to wig cottage.

Any questions please email amanda@triplevisionstudios.com or fatima@triplevisionstudios.com and we will get back to you ASAP. Thank you to everyone who is participating this year.

Amanda ~ Your friendly neighborhood photographer!

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