This gorgeous first time Momma-to-be decided to truck through the snow for her one of a kind maternity session and was such a trooper. It snowed the day before so we were graced with 2′ of snow and a MILLION people. Starting at Lee Canyon, driving for hours we ended up at Mtn Charleston. Definitely an adventure as we were chased away by police 3 times for parking in areas that are normally for parking (but they didn’t want people there for safety), getting my clients car stuck in the snow and delaying the session, me almost sliding off the edge in my car on black ice, having to play it safe walking on black ice, not to mention the tons of people in the background of every shot. This was definitely the toughest session I have ever done BUT the most rewarding. We fought for every single shot and I am more than pleased with the outcome. Cannot wait to meet this little princess!
NOTE: All images are owned and copyrighted by Triple Vision Studios – Photography by Amanda Gates. Use of these images is prohibited by law unless you have direct written consent from Amanda Gates at Triple Vision Studios. Do not copy, screenshot or use these images in any way. Thank you for your respect and cooperation.